Clipper WareHouse - Orange Line - Clipper WareHouses
Clipper WareHouse - Orange Line - Clipper WareHouses
Clipper WareHouse - Orange Line - Clipper WareHouses
Clipper WareHouse - Orange Line - Clipper WareHouses

CWH® - Orange Line

€15,00 In offerta Risparmia
Scaffali 1

Solo 0 ancora a disposizione


Praticità ed eleganza racchiuse in un unico espositore, facile da installare tramite i due appositi ganci, la nostra cassetta in filo metallico unisce l'eleganza del legno alla possibilità di infinite posizioni, coreografie ed eventuali complementi d'arredo direttamente sulle vostre pareti.


Scegli tu quante avere e come disporle nelle tue stanze!
In ogni ripiano possono essere inseriti 12 Clipper Large (quelli piccoli vanno larghi).
Dati tecnici: Altezza 4 cm, larghezza 30 cm, spessore 4 cm.

To ensure a service that suits the needs of all our customers, we offer:

PREMIUM SHIPPING - 100% INSURED (if your order is damaged or lost you will get a full refund)

Different rates for each country. Precise shipping rates at checkout.

Shipping Policy to learn more.

We polite ask you to wait 1-2 days to ship your order, your items are made at the moment of the order.

Need advice or help placing your order? Click here to contact us.

Scroll down to read our most frequently asked questions.

Acquista con

CWH® - Showcase 30 x 30 cm





Handmade with love

Each of our creations is entirely handmade using the finest woods

Fast Worldwide shipping

Delivery in just 1-3 days to any country in the world.

24/7 customer support

Don't hesitate to contact us if you need any help or advice.

Trusted by thousands.

More than 10,000 satisfied customers all over the world